A grizzly bear and her cubs search for food at a rubbish dump
Photograph: Huseyin Demirci/Anadolu Agency/Getty Images
Heavy smoke turns the sky yellow at sunset as people walk across 42nd Street at Times Square
Photograph: Gary Hershorn/Getty Images
A vendor pulls a block of ice at a market in Quezon City
Photograph: Rolex dela Peña/EPA
Fishers pull a net at sunrise on the beach at Hagu village
Photograph: Azwar Ipank/AFP/Getty Images
Horses graze behind a poppy field
Photograph: Michael Probst/AP
Workers carry huge piles of jute above their heads in the country’s biggest jute market in Manikganj
Photograph: Mustasinur Rahman Alvi/Zuma Press Wire/Shutterstock
Police try to maintain order outside school offices as conservative groups and LGBTQ+ rights supporters clash about teaching LGBTQ+ issues in schools
Photograph: Keith Birmingham/AP
Russian scientific vessel Severny Polyus is seen caught in the Arctic ice about 440km south of the north pole
Photograph: Sysselmesteren Svalbard/AFP/Getty Images
Clothes hung to dry in a highly populated building in the informal settlement of Mathare
Photograph: Amaury Falt-Brown/AFP/Getty Images
Rescuers evacuate local residents from a flooded area after a breach at the Nova Kakhovka dam
Photograph: Reuters
An interior view of the military aircraft taking 65th Mechanised Infantry Brigade Command troops from Çorlu airport to Kosovo upon Nato request
Photograph: Arif Hudaverdi Yaman/Anadolu Agency/Getty Images
Sümi women line up to perform a traditional rice pounding folk song during a silver jubilee celebration in Thilixü village
Photograph: Caisii Mao/Shutterstock