A vendor who mistreats their employees will probably not treat clients any better

1 year ago 59

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Carl Mazzanti_President of eMazzanti Technologies

There’s a special relationship between a business owner and a Cyber Security Services provider: the owner entrusts confidential files to the provider and depends on them to keep the business secure from state-sponsored and other hackers that are mounting increasingly sophisticated attacks. But there is always a burning question: how can a non-techie entrepreneur judge the quality of a highly technical Cyber Security provider? One international survey found that 84% percent of businesses said that their provider did not offer proactive “hunting services” even though they effectively find the most insidious threats impacting their data.

Gauging the quality of an existing provider is simple: consider the results. If the client business’ files have stayed secure from hackers, if the business has been able to avoid significant downtime due to an attack, and if the provider has responded quickly to queries while keeping the client advised of new threats and upgrades to Cyber Security defenses, then they are probably doing a good job.

Still, sooner or later, the time may come to move on to a new provider: a smaller client may be getting second-rate treatment, or the needs of an expanding business may have outgrown the provider’s capacity. It is at this point where a business owner often gets palpitations and sweaty palms. But entrepreneurs do not need to go in blind when they start working with a new Cyber Security provider. Instead, following some suggestions early on may save them from a big headache later.

Start with simple steps

The first step is easy: ask some trusted acquaintances and advisors for their recommendations. Inquire about the Cyber Security provider’s track record of communicating with clients. A quality provider will use email, an easy-to-navigate website, and other channels to keep up with client questions and concerns.

The upside to seeking recommendations from trusted acquaintances and advisors is that the advice comes from a reliable source. But the downside is that the trusted acquaintance’s business may not have the same requirements as yours — their Cyber Security provider may be a good fit for certain companies, but not for others.

This leads to the second suggestion: review the provider’s website. Does the vendor take calls after hours? Also, look at the job descriptions and certifications listed on the provider’s website, because the skills and certifications they list are the ones that clients will get.

A third idea: visit a Cyber Security provider’s office before deciding. This is typically known as the “Starbucks approach” because it is not just about the coffee; it is about the experience.

Look at the office environment — do staff members seem to be focused on their work, or are they constantly looking over their shoulders with a concerned expression? An experienced entrepreneur can usually size up a room pretty fast and determine if the atmosphere seems to be one where colleagues support each other and their clients; or if it’s hostile, fearful, and non-productive.

And speak with some of the support staff

Also, consider what the interactions between staff and supervisors look like. You want the staff to be well-treated because then they’re more likely to provide better service to their customers. After all, the staff will not go above and beyond if their boss does not do the same.

Identifying a new Cyber Security provider is not an easy task, and it can take some time. But it is worth the effort, because protecting sensitive data from ransomware and other attacks is critical to maintaining a business’ operations, along with clients’ trust.

Carl Mazzanti is president of eMazzanti Technologies in Hoboken, N.J., providing IT consulting services for businesses ranging from home offices to multinational corporations.


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