Lauren Goode: Will, I'm excited to hear yours, because it's probably cat-related. What is your recommendation this week?
Will Knight: I'm now going to let you down. I wish I did have another cat-related suggestion. I mean, I just, cats on TikTok is always ... My feed is pretty much all cats.
Lauren Goode: It's your go-to.
Will Knight: Just cats. OK. I'm going to recommend the book Antimatter Blues by Edward Ashton. It's a follow up to Mickey7, which is being made into a movie. It's about a clone and he's a kind of hapless clone and his adventures on an off-world colony. Oh, actually, also, can I also recommend a TV show called Fired on Mars, which a friend of mine made? It's about a guy who goes, he's a graphic designer who works in a Mars colony and he gets fired and gets into all sorts of scrapes.
Lauren Goode: Is he working for Elon Musk? Because that would make a lot of sense.
Will Knight: It would make sense.
Lauren Goode: And where can people find that TV show?
Will Knight: That is on HBO.
Lauren Goode: Oh, OK.
Will Knight: It's actually on Max. Sorry, I got it completely wrong.
Michael Calore: Oh, don't worry. Everybody gets that completely wrong.
Lauren Goode: We're still calling it HBO on this show.
Michael Calore: Yeah. FKA HBO, now Max.
Lauren Goode: We're just going to give it a symbol eventually. Well, both of those sound delightful. Thank you for that recommendation. Those recommendations, plural, Will. Mike, what's your recommendation?
Michael Calore: Well, it has nothing to do with space travel or artificial intelligence, but I'm going to recommend—
Lauren Goode: Is it pickles?
Michael Calore: Oh, it could be pickle-adjacent.
Lauren Goode: What is this?
Michael Calore: Bee's Wrap.
Lauren Goode: OK, say more.
Michael Calore: OK. This is wrap, W-R-A-P.
Lauren Goode: Oh, OK. I thought it was just a bunch of bees—
Michael Calore: Rapping?
Lauren Goode: ... rapping. Have you heard the buzz about their latest song?
Michael Calore: Oh, no. No, no, no, no, no.
Lauren Goode: OK, sorry.
Michael Calore: Allow me to wax philosophically. This is food wrap. It takes the place of plastic wrap or plastic bags or any other sort of single-use plastic that you might use to preserve foods in your refrigerator or in your kitchen. It's a cotton sheet that is coated in beeswax and plant oils, and it sort of forms a seal around whatever you want to protect. You can put it on top of a bowl of hummus or a bowl of salsa. I have been using a small one to wrap half a zucchini or half an onion. If you only use half of a vegetable, normally you just put plastic wrap around it. But plastic is terrible as we know. It just sits in landfills and very, very slowly degrades into smaller bits of plastic that make their way into waterways and end up in our stomachs. We should all stop using plastic and here's a great way to do it. These I encountered, because we wrote about them on WIRED, we actually recommend them as one of our favorite ecofriendly products, and we needed to take a photograph of them. I bought some off of The Everything Store. I think it's $17 for a three-pack. The three-pack comes with a small one, a medium one, and a large one, which is just about all you need.