Best Nut Milk Makers We’ve Tested and Reviewed (2024)

4 months ago 3

Photograph: Nutr

For Solo Milk Makers

The Nutr

The somewhat questionably named Nutr is the smallest of the milk makers I tested, about the size of a half-gallon milk carton. It also makes the smallest amount of milk, about a cup and a half at most. It is speedy, though: Throw in a cup of water and a tablespoon of instant oats, and five minutes later, you get a cup of oat milk. The same is true of almond milk, so the idea is that it makes milk only when you need it, precluding the need to store it. If you want larger quantities, just know that Nutr is working on a family-size version that can make up to 600 milliliters (about 2.5 cups) in one batch.

I tested it by making oat, almond, rice, and tiger nut milk. The resulting milk was very well blended, although the milk did benefit from using the Nutr’s included cup-top filter, which catches the plant mush. That filter didn’t catch it all: I still found some gritty bits in the filtered milk. The Nutr is quick but frustratingly noisy: The loud blender motor runs intermittently as if a child has their finger on the power button and keeps turning it on and off to annoy you. The blender runs less often on the longer milking cycles, but it is no less irritating. It certainly isn’t the kind of noise I want first thing in the morning: It woke up my dog, which meant I couldn’t have a cup of coffee before I took him for a walk.

The Nutr also handled rice milk (a hot milk that has to be heated while brewing) without problems, but it took about 27 minutes, plus about 10 minutes waiting for the milk to cool from the near boiling point the milking process needs to get those enzymes working. That’s a long time to wait for the small amount it makes.

In addition to offering subscription shipping for the nuts, oats, and other plant materials you make milk from, Nutr sells powder mixes to flavor the milk and add herbal ingredients. The Vanilla Cinnamon with Reishi Mushroom and L-Theanine had a rather unpleasant fungal aftertaste, but the strawberry powder was more pleasant, with a sweet taste and a slight citrus kick. A sample pack of the five flavors is included.

Making small batches of fresh plant milk when needed is a great concept, since plant milk tastes best freshly made. The execution could be better, though. The noise is incredibly irritating, and the small maximum quantity means it only works for one person. That might be OK if you have a single vegan in the family, but the noise might drive them back to drinking cow milk. —Richard Baguley

Pitcher included?N/A
Need to soak nuts?No
Pulp in milk?Yes
Heats milk?Yes
Maximum net milk per cycle1.5 cups
Time per cycle5 minutes
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