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After a year’s worth of research and analysis, we are proud to publish the 2024-2025 CityBusiness Book of Lists. For 44 years, New Orleans CityBusiness has provided its readers with useful data on almost every industry in the greater New Orleans area so that they have the knowledge and resources to better understand the local economic climate.
Click here to read the publication.
Each year, we contact more than 5,000 businesses and individuals in order to bring you the most accurate and up-to-date information possible. While we gather information through a number of resources, we rely most heavily on the timely and accurate responses from the individual businesses themselves. This is why we encourage all our readers and participants to remain committed to helping us achieve our goal of keeping you informed on all of the trends and changes in the local business community.
We encourage all businesses regardless of size or prestige to participate in our lists. This will allow you to publicize your company as well as help us continue to produce a first-class product.
For all those who continue to participate, we thank you and hope that you continue to support us in the coming years.
If you or your company would like to be included in any of our lists, please contact me.
Market Researcher/Reporter Jessica Greenlee Maldonado can be reached at 293-9273 or [email protected].