Mountain Brook Schools Technology Director Suzan Brandt was named the recipient of the Innovative Technology Director Award at the Tech & Learning Regional Leadership Summit in Georgia last month.
“I am thankful for this recognition and really appreciate the opportunity I have had to be innovative within my job and utilize my skills to help those around me,” Brandt said. “We are constantly seeking ways to improve and grow our technological resources to provide the best educational experience for our students.”
Brandt has led the charge overseeing technological installations in the newly renovated buildings at Mountain Brook High School, Mountain Brook Junior High and Brookwood Forest Elementary. Additionally, she’s directing the implementation of a new audio sound system in each classroom in all six Mountain Brook Schools buildings. She is in her fourth year as the MBS technology director and has 23 years of experience in K-12 educational technology.
“We wouldn’t be where we are as a district without Suzan’s leadership and guidance,” MBS Superintendent Dicky Barlow said. “She helped lead the way to continue our student’s learning despite the challenges during the pandemic and has since emerged to spring our school district forward with innovative thinking and advanced practices on the technological side.”
She will have the opportunity to attend a summit in New York in December with other Tech & Learning regional winners.
– Submitted by Mountain Brook Schools.