
October 30, 2024

2:43 PM

Mountain Brook City Council president Virginia Smith has been named the recipient for the 2025 Jemison Visionary Award by the Mountain BrookChamber of Commerce.

“Without a doubt, Mountain Brook would not be the community it is today without the firm, yet gentle hand of Virginia Smith guiding our city and city council," said  City Manager Sam Gaston. "She has been a tireless champion of business development by serving as City Council liaison to the Villages Design Review Committee and Board of Zoning Adjustments. She spent countless hours reviewing plans for the Cahaba Village and Lane Parke developments, meeting with numerous citizens, working with the developers and their architects/engineers to ensure all voices were heard at the planning commission and city council public hearings on these two commercial projects that are so vital to Mountain Brook. Virginia worked behind the scenes to ensure quality and aesthetically pleasing commercial developments for the community, our residents and visitors.She is a very humble person, never taking credit for the many accomplishments of the city, but operates in an open, engaging, and fair manner."