Get to know: Brookwood Forest PTO president Terri Lynn Wallace

1 month ago 3

Terri Lynn Wallace is this year’s PTO president at Brookwood Forest Elementary School. In this interview, she shares how she found her way to this role and what makes Brookwood Forest special.

Q: Tell us about yourself and your role in the PTO.

A: I'm Terri Lynn Wallace. I have two kids at Brookwood Forest Elementary: James, who's in sixth grade, and Lydia is in fourth grade. And, this year I'm serving as PTO president. 

Q: How did you get involved in the PTO?

A: I'm a CPA in my day job. So, a few years ago, I had a friend suggest that I put my name in for treasurer of the PTO. And then, after a few years, I decided I wanted to be more involved in PTO. 

So, I was president-elect and then president, and I just saw all the things that the PTO does for the school and for the kids and for the community and I just really wanted to be more a part of that.

Q: What makes your school a special place?

A: What makes Brookwood Forest a special place is really all of the teachers and the staff and the administration at the school who work there every day. From the first time your child gets to school in morning carpool, there's always someone there to greet them and to tell them good morning. 

You really do feel like you're part of a family at Brookwood Forest, and they want everyone to feel included and loved; every student.

Q: What are some goals and achievements for your PTO this school year?

A: So, this year is the 60th anniversary of Brookwood Forest Elementary, and we are trying to showcase all that has changed at Brookwood Forest over the past 60 years and the great things that we have going on. In September, we brought back the past PTO presidents of Brookwood Forest, and they were able to take a tour of the school and see what all has changed since they were at the school. 

We are especially proud that Brookwood Forest was a National Blue Ribbon Award winner this year.

Q: How can someone get involved to support the PTO?

A: There's many ways you can get involved with the PTO at Brookwood Forest. There's always the financial way that we can always use sponsors, but, also more importantly, we need volunteers. We always need people to volunteer their time to help, fromRanger Run to a library helper. This is what helps make our school the best for our students, teachers and staff.

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