Melanie Haynes recently became Mountain Brook Junior High’s new technology coordinator. With 26 years of experience in educational technology, Haynes brings a wealth of knowledge and expertise to the school community.
“We’re thrilled to have Melanie join our team at the junior high,” MBJH Principal Donald Clayton said. “Through our search process, it became clear that she embodies everything we want in this position including but not limited to leadership abilities, intricate knowledge of technology and a passion for her line of work.”
The technology coordinator position in each Mountain Brook School is an administrative position that involves vision and leadership to guide staff members and innovate technology into the learning environment for students. The position also serves a technical role demanding the ability to provide technical support, manage accounts and oversee all technological aspects of school operations inside and outside the classroom. Lastly, the position requires strategic, continuous professional development to not only train staff members, but also seek out opportunities for growth to strengthen the student's learning process.
“Melanie has established a reputation as an outstanding technology coach with a passion for supporting faculty and students,” Mountain Brook Schools Director of Technology Suzan Brandt said. “Additionally, she's stepping in at the perfect time.”
Mountain Brook Junior High is approaching the conclusion of a sizable construction project. Students and staff are preparing to move into a brand new, three-story addition to the school building featuring a state-of-the-art learning environment paired with brand new technology.
“I have a passion for learning and teaching,” Haynes said. “I look forward to pairing my skill set and experience to ensure everyone at MBJH has the tools and skills they need to be successful. Everyone in Mountain Brook has been so welcoming and has made me feel like I have come home.”
Haynes joins Mountain Brook after spending the last 16 years in the Hoover City School system. Her experience also includes being a classroom teacher, a photojournalist, swimming and diving coach, graphics art designer, choir director and singing in the Alabama Symphony Chorus and Opera Birmingham.
– Submitted by Mountain Brook Schools.