Friday night football has officially returned to Alabama, bringing with it WVTM 13's High School Huddle: your new home for all of the action under the lights.As players from Pinson to Pelham gear up for game 1, WVTM 13 Sports Director Ryan Hennessy and Sports Anchor Kari Osep are getting ready get you the inside scoop from stadiums across the state.Tonight's game of the week pits the Pell City Panthers against Moody's Blue Devils, and the players aren't the only ones returning to the field.Hoover High legend and new Pell City head coach Rush Propst is back in 'Bama, hoping to lead the Panthers to their first playoff win since 2003 this season. The last time the two teams faced off, Moody walked away with a major victory, pounding Pell City 56-21.The Panthers get their chance to even the odds tonight at 7 p.m. Stay updated on each school's scores below, and tune in on-air at 10:15 p.m. to take a look at the best tackles, touchdowns and turnovers of the night.Scores across the StateW2lmcmFtZSBzcmM9Imh0dHBzOi8vc2NvcmVzdHJlYW0uY29tL3dpZGdldHMvc2NvcmVib2FyZHMvdmVydD91c2VyV2lkZ2V0SWQ9NTYxNzYiIHN0eWxlPSJwYWRkaW5nOjBweDtib3JkZXI6MHB4O3dpZHRoOjEwMCU7aGVpZ2h0OjQwMHB4O21heC1oZWlnaHQ6NDAwcHg7IiB0aXRsZT0iUmVhbHRpbWUgc3BvcnRzIHNjb3JlYm9hcmQgd2lkZ2V0IiBzY3JvbGxpbmc9Im5vIiBmcmFtZUJvcmRlcj0iMCJdWy9pZnJhbWVdCan't see the scores? Click here.The Play-by-PlayCheck back in throughout the night for highlights from across our area. You won't want to miss them.Stay updated on the latest sports updates with the WVTM 13 app. You can download it here.
Friday night football has officially returned to Alabama, bringing with it WVTM 13's High School Huddle: your new home for all of the action under the lights.
As players from Pinson to Pelham gear up for game 1, WVTM 13 Sports Director Ryan Hennessy and Sports Anchor Kari Osep are getting ready get you the inside scoop from stadiums across the state.
Tonight's game of the week pits the Pell City Panthers against Moody's Blue Devils, and the players aren't the only ones returning to the field.
Hoover High legend and new Pell City head coach Rush Propst is back in 'Bama, hoping to lead the Panthers to their first playoff win since 2003 this season.
The last time the two teams faced off, Moody walked away with a major victory, pounding Pell City 56-21.
The Panthers get their chance to even the odds tonight at 7 p.m.
Stay updated on each school's scores below, and tune in on-air at 10:15 p.m. to take a look at the best tackles, touchdowns and turnovers of the night.
Scores across the State
Can't see the scores? Click here.
The Play-by-Play
Check back in throughout the night for highlights from across our area. You won't want to miss them.
Stay updated on the latest sports updates with the WVTM 13 app. You can download it here.