How to Use a VPN to Watch to Netflix When You Travel Overseas

2 months ago 2

This is the point where it becomes obvious how a VPN client makes life easier. There are really only two steps to follow. The first one is to select the server. On an iPhone using ExpressVPN, there’s a prompt for Current Location. I selected that and picked the United States, then Chicago. I then clicked the big red Connect button and watched it turn green. That means I was connected to the Chicago server and was ready to watch a Netflix show. Every VPN app works about the same: Select the country and city, then click the big connect button.

In my case, once I was connected to that Chicago server, I could then go to to watch Stranger Things without any problems. It also works with Netflix’s apps on your smartphone or your tablet, as long as your VPN app is also running on that device.

In case you are wondering, this is perfectly legal. As long as you are using your own paid account, a VPN merely allows you to access a streaming service from remote places.


A VPN client is not always perfect. There may be times when you select a server in another country and you still can’t connect or can’t watch a Netflix show.

I was in a slight panic once when I wanted to watch the season four finale of Stranger Things. No spoilers here, but let’s just say I knew there would be an epic battle. I used ExpressVPN while I was in that small town in Austria on vacation, and while it normally all worked fine, on a Sunday afternoon, the server I wanted to use in Chicago was just not cooperating. I chatted with the online support, which was available right within the iOS app on my iPhone, and the tech representative suggested using a server in New York City instead. That solved my problem.

What happens on occasion is that the server might be overloaded with too many connections, or it might be down for maintenance, but selecting a different server solves that issue. You can even do a quick Google search like “which VPN server works best in the United States for Netflix” and check Reddit forums and other sites for help. Apparently, a lot of people know you can connect to a VPN when you travel, and they might even be hooked on the same shows. Also, Netflix can detect when there are too many people using the service through one VPN server. You’ll find you have to select a different one in that case (e.g., Netflix has blocked the server).

Also, a few caveats: I used the full, ad-free, 4K version of Netflix. The ad-supported version might not work correctly over a VPN when you travel overseas. The VPN workaround may also not work if you’re trying to stream a live event on Netflix. There may also be restrictions on which VPN clients you can use in countries like Russia and China.

Netflix is also more likely to block VPN access when you use the mobile app. If you are using your phone or tablet, it’s better to use in your browser and make sure your browser is set to “desktop” mode. With desktop mode on, Netflix won’t detect that you’re on a mobile device and redirect you to the mobile app.

The good news is that a VPN app tends to work smoothly most of the time. I finally did watch that final epic battle in Stranger Things, and I kept up on BBC reports as well using the BBC One website. I never missed a show and, truth be told, that final battle was amazing.

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