‘I smile to keep from crying’: Americans without homes – in pictures

1 month ago 1

‘Chad on Skid Row, which won the Zilveren Camera portrait award in 2021. Chad’s tent was robbed, and the thief swapped his belongings for this pink wedding dress. When I met him on Skid Row in Los Angeles, he wore it like armour, transforming an act of loss into a bold display of self expression. As he put it: “This is everything I have, all I can carry. Everything is replaceable”’

Chad’s tent was robbed, and the thief had swapped his belongings for this pink wedding dress. When I met him on Skid Row in Los Angeles, he wore it like armor, transforming an act of loss into a bold display of self expression. “This is everything I have, all I can carry. Everything is replaceable.”
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