JBL Bar 1300X Review: A Rechargeable Home Theater

1 year ago 38

Thanks to support for DTS:X, you can expect similarly gripping immersion from your DTS Blu-ray discs. The Bar 1300X also does well with basic surround sound, either with the satellite speakers in their surround position or attached to the bar for charging. When I pulled up Skyfall on Netflix, the dialog was clear and crisp, and I was impressed by how much immersion the side-firing drivers created, even with the extra speakers reconnected.

Oddly, I can’t say the same for music. The system sounds good for most tunes with the surround speakers on their separate stands, offering plenty of clarity and balance between registers. But when I reattached the speakers, I was surprised to find that the stereo tracks were being kicked out mainly from the satellites at the left and right, leaving the center speakers basically dormant. It still sounded solid, but it’s a step down.

Detach the speakers and the full bar comes back alive. This seems like a bad call on the 1300X’s automatic sound settings, and I found myself wishing I could adjust it manually to utilize all speakers equally with stereo music while the surrounds are attached. JBL says there is a software update to correct the issue when you first connect to Wi-Fi, but so far I’ve been unable to verify it with the latest software.

Some content, like sitcoms and other lesser recordings, were occasionally on the shouty side in either configuration. This is one of the few times that the bar’s 2.4-inch tall frame feels tight and overprocessed. Feeding it better content, like prestige dramas, provides much better results, with excellent definition and an almost creamy touch to dialog and subtle effects.

A Solution Without a Problem?

As thrilling as the Bar 1300X is, I can’t help feeling that I’d rather keep the surround speakers as, er, surround speakers. It’s the best configuration for pretty much any content, and plugging and unplugging the surprisingly strong magnetic terminals can be arduous. Thankfully, while the speakers don’t come with charging cables, each has a USB-C input for stand-alone charging as a backup plan.

There are some reasons to go detachable: as a compromise for those who don’t appreciate gear clutter or to eliminate trip wires for an open floor plan. The surround speakers can even be used as makeshift Bluetooth speakers, though I’d still point most folks toward more convenient waterproof options, like JBL’s Flip or Pulse speakers.

If you don’t need breakaway speakers, you’ll probably prefer Samsung’s HW-Q990B or the new Q990C (whichever is on sale), both of which provide more tuning options and a warmer overall sound signature. But if you do want a shapeshifting soundbar, the Bar 1300X is not only the best there is, it’s one of the best Dolby Atmos soundbars, period.

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