Mapping out murders: A look at where 2024 homicides have taken place in Birmingham

2 months ago 3

Birmingham is on pace for a record-setting year for murders with more than 130 people killed in Birmingham so far.Some of these murders are clustered together.We dug through all of the press releases from the Birmingham Police Department. From each press release, we pinpointed where the murders took place on a map.This does not include any homicides that were later deemed justifiable.>> YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD: Community coverage from WVTM 13In the Inglenook neighborhood, there were nine people killed. There are a dozen murders in East Lake. Around Legion Field are ten locations where murders took place. Seven homicides happened along 3rd Avenue West. Take a look at these areas in the interactive map below.PGlmcmFtZSBzcmM9Imh0dHBzOi8vd3d3Lmdvb2dsZS5jb20vbWFwcy9kL2VtYmVkP21pZD0xbGNoek54WW5VYlR0WHhJQzlVYTFyY0N2a3gtRWczUSZlaGJjPTJFMzEyRiIgd2lkdGg9IjY0MCIgaGVpZ2h0PSI0ODAiPjwvaWZyYW1lPg==>> WVTM 13 ON-THE-GO: Download our app for freeGwen Webb, the president of Inglenook since 1975, was surprised when we showed him all of the tragic stories."Those people come in from other cities, bring their crime and their drugs into our city. So it's very disturbing to me for, myself, and for my people," Webb said.


Birmingham is on pace for a record-setting year for murders with more than 130 people killed in Birmingham so far.

Some of these murders are clustered together.

We dug through all of the press releases from the Birmingham Police Department. From each press release, we pinpointed where the murders took place on a map.

This does not include any homicides that were later deemed justifiable.

>> YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD: Community coverage from WVTM 13

In the Inglenook neighborhood, there were nine people killed. There are a dozen murders in East Lake. Around Legion Field are ten locations where murders took place. Seven homicides happened along 3rd Avenue West.

Take a look at these areas in the interactive map below.

>> WVTM 13 ON-THE-GO: Download our app for free

Gwen Webb, the president of Inglenook since 1975, was surprised when we showed him all of the tragic stories.

"Those people come in from other cities, bring their crime and their drugs into our city. So it's very disturbing to me for, myself, and for my people," Webb said.

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