Massive black bear breaks record as it roams Mississippi
This video was recently captured in Pagosa Springs in Colorado and these are five black bear cubs that are getting *** second lease on life after losing their mothers. The cubs were first taken into the custody of the Colorado Parks and Wildlife Department over the summer, three of the bears lost their mother after she entered *** home and was euthanized. The remaining two were found wandering around the same time in another area, but they were too young to be fending for themselves. So they too were taken in. Now, they have spent two seasons growing up and putting on weight and recently they were released back into the wild where they belong. Still, they're not the only ones saved. Recently, *** Colorado Parks and wildlife spokesperson says that 25 black bears were taken in and rehabilitated this year alone. Eight more are expected to be released in the coming days. However, the rest still aren't yet fat enough to endure the upcoming winter. Those cubs are set to remain at the rehabilitation center and will begin wintering in artificial dens until they reach 80 pounds. They're expected to be released sometime in January or February
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Massive black bear breaks record as it roams Mississippi
Related video above: Must see! Orphaned black bear cubs released back into the wild after rehabilitation
A 510-pound black bear was tranquilized and collared as part of the Mississippi Department of Wildlife, Fisheries and Parks' Black Bear Program.
The record for the largest black bear in the state’s history has been broken, according to MDWFP's Black Bear Program.
A massive 510-pound black bear was collared earlier this month in Sharkey County.
"This incredible bear shattered the previous record of 468 pounds, which was held by a roadkill bear in Wilkinson County," according to a post on the MDWFP Facebook page.
The bear, named M18 by the Black Bear Program, was originally collared in August 2022 when it weighed 360 pounds.
"However, he managed to slip out of that collar shortly after he was caught."
"This recent capture provided an opportunity to safely gather current data, as well as record his impressive growth before releasing him once again," the post said.
Tap here for more information on the Black Bear Program.