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New Orleans-based AdviseWell Inc., a leading provider of health care education and advocacy services, has announced that it has been selected by the Administration for Community Living, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, as the grantee for the Senior Medicare Patrol program in the states of Georgia, Louisiana, and Mississippi.
According to a news release, these grants will allow AdviseWell Inc., the SMP sponsor, to advance its mission of empowering Medicare beneficiaries, families, and caregivers to prevent, detect, and report health care fraud, errors and abuse.
“The SMP program plays a vital role in protecting the Medicare system by offering outreach, counseling, and other resources to protect against economic and health-related consequences associated with misuse of Medicare,” the news release reads. “AdviseWell’s mission is raising awareness and educating individuals to mitigate risks and ensure the integrity of Medicare services.”
Funding for this project is made possible through a financial assistance award of $1,854,044, with 100 percent of funding provided by ACL/HHS.
“The grant signifies recognition of AdviseWell’s expertise and success in combatting health care fraud, waste and abuse,” the news release reads. “The company’s experience of over 30 years and its successful track record in teaching seniors to protect themselves has contributed to its selection as the SMP grantee.”
Sonja Landry, executive director and SMP program manager for AdviseWell, expressed her appreciation for the allocation.
“We are pleased that ACL has acknowledged our efforts in empowering seniors to prevent healthcare fraud and has chosen us to continue as the SMP grantee in these three states for the next five years,” Landry said in the news release.
The nonprofit’s work includes referrals to the Office of the Inspector General for Health and Human Services, which resulted in the recovery and savings of nearly $28 million for the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services funds.