Ochsner Health is the first in Louisiana to offer new therapy

1 year ago 26

Photo courtesy Ochsner Health.

Ochsner Health has become the first health care organization in Louisiana to offer Aquablation therapy for the treatment of lower urinary tract symptoms due to benign prostatic hyperplasia.

According to a news release, Aquablation therapy is performed by the AquaBeam Robotic System, the first FDA-cleared, surgical robot utilizing automated tissue resection for the treatment of lower urinary tract symptoms due to BPH. Aquablation therapy brings together real-time, multi-dimensional imaging, automated robotics, and heat-free waterjet ablation for targeted, controlled, and prompt removal of prostate tissue.

“Combining both cystoscopic visualization – a procedure a doctor uses to look at the inside of the bladder and urethra — and ultrasound imaging, surgeons can create a personalized treatment plan tailored to each patient’s anatomy,” the news release reads. “Once the map is complete, the robotically controlled, waterjet ablates or removes part of the prostate tissue, avoiding critical structures to preserve sexual function and continence. Proven in numerous clinical studies, Aquablation therapy offers predictable and reproducible outcomes, independent of prostate anatomy, prostate size, or surgeon experience.”

“We are proud to be among the first in our region to offer a solution for men with BPH that provides significant, long-lasting symptom relief with lower risk to their sexual function or continence,” Greg Larsen, a urologist with Ochsner Health, said in a news release. “Aquablation therapy is the next step to furthering our commitment to robotic surgery and men’s health. Ochsner is thrilled to adopt the use of the only image-guided, heat-free automated robotic therapy for BPH on the market.”

“BPH, or an enlarged prostate, is a non-cancerous condition where the prostate has grown to be larger than normal,” the news release explains. “About half of men ages 51 to 60 have BPH, and the incidence increases every decade of life. If left untreated, BPH can cause significant health problems, including irreversible bladder or kidney damage, bladder stones, and incontinence. Current BPH surgical treatments often force men to tradeoff between symptom relief and side effects, limiting patients to choose between either a high degree of symptom relief with high rates of irreversible complications such as incontinence, erectile dysfunction, or ejaculatory dysfunction, or a low degree of symptom relief with low rates of irreversible complications.”


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