We tried these energy-saving tips to keep our bills low this summer—see what we thought

1 year ago 38


Alabama Power 103 We tried these energy-saving tips to keep our bills low this summer—see what we thoughtGive your AC a rest from the heat of the oven and have dinner al fresco. (Jacob Blankenship / Bham Now)

You know what they say… it’s summertime and the livin’ is easy. According to Alabama Power, saving energy should be, too. We tried out eight of their energy-saving tips to “lean into the lazy days of summer” and it turns out, it’s pretty easy to unplug, slow down and save energy. Keep reading to learn how.

1. Run your dishwasher at night

Alabama Power 101 We tried these energy-saving tips to keep our bills low this summer—see what we thoughtEasy! (Jacob Blankenship / Bham Now)

The warmer months usually bring anticipation of higher bills, but there are so many simple ways to prevent your bills from going sky high this summer. Who knew running your dishwasher at night could make a difference?

Our tip: Hit the start button right before bed, and you’ve got clean dishes in the morning.

“Doing these things like running our dishwasher at night consistently has allowed us to lower our AC (since I like it cold) and not have an astronomically high utility bill.”

Gabi Hembree-Lee, Business Development Manager

2. Wait ’til you have a full load of laundry

Waiting to start laundry until there’s a full load may just be my dream tip. Putting off doing laundry another day AND saving energy? Count us in.

Find more energy saving tips at Alabama Power.

3. Unplug! Give your appliances and chargers a rest

This one can be tough to get used to. Even when something is powered off, it’s still using a small amount of energy from simply being plugged in.

It’s so convenient to do, but charging your phone all night long not only uses far more energy than necessary, but can wear out your device’s battery too.

“Getting in the habit of unplugging appliances and chargers (especially chargers) after using them took a little getting used to, but it’s one of the smallest changes that really makes a difference.”

Callie Puryear, Content Producer

4. Turn a fan on

Alabama Power 105 We tried these energy-saving tips to keep our bills low this summer—see what we thoughtEven the pups love a fan… (Jacob Blankenship / Bham Now)

Did you know that when you use a fan alongside your AC, you can bump the temp up a whole 4 degrees without feeling
any difference in comfort? Running a fan also uses far less energy than your air conditioning.

“I am a stickler for having it super cold in the room while I’m sleeping, so I was quite skeptical about bumping up the thermostat and adding a fan. But I have to admit, the temp stayed exactly how I like it.”

Callie Puryear, Content Producer

5. Keep your blinds closed during the hottest parts of the day

Alabama Power 106 We tried these energy-saving tips to keep our bills low this summer—see what we thoughtShades down + nap time. (Jacob Blankenship / Bham Now)

When the afternoon comes around and the temps are at their highest, try closing your blinds and blocking out the heat-producing rays. (Hello, afternoon nap!) This will keep your house much cooler. Pro tip: light-colored shades, blinds and curtains reflect heat.

“During the heat of the summer, I close the blinds AND draw the drapes. The double insulation really helps.”

Cindy Martin, Founder + CEO

6. Fire up the grill + eat outside

Alabama Power 109 We tried these energy-saving tips to keep our bills low this summer—see what we thoughtThe best tip there is. (Jacob Blankenship / Bham Now)

See.. saving energy can be fun. Skip the complicated dinners this summer and fire up your grill.

Using your oven or stove not only uses up a lot of energy, but it also heats up your home. Instead of making your AC work even harder, get outside and enjoy a summer cookout with friends and family. Sounds like more fun to us!

7. Assume the off position

Alabama Power 107 We tried these energy-saving tips to keep our bills low this summer—see what we thoughtTurn those lights off. (Jacob Blankenship / Bham Now)

Our favorite tip from Alabama Power for saving energy this summer is simple: Don’t underestimate the power of little changes.

Practice turning out unnecessary lights to cut down on energy usage and embrace the summertime natural light. We know, this can be a challenge for the whole family.

“I consistently try to do small things daily to help lower my family’s power bill and carbon footprint. I only wash full loads of laundry, and try to encourage my family to unplug their appliances like phone chargers when not in use and always turn lights off when they leave a room. Every little bit helps and these are a few simple things that go a long way.” 

Patience Itson, Content Producer

8. Track your daily usage

IMG 4025 2 We tried these energy-saving tips to keep our bills low this summer—see what we thought

It gets even easier—with Alabama Power’s daily usage tracker, you can view your usage to learn when you use energy and see your projected amount for your next bill.

“Being able to see how much energy I’m using at a glance is so helpful, especially seeing the projected bill for the month. It’s been super neat to see the changes in energy usage after incorporating some of these easy tips in to my routine.”

Callie Puryear, Content Producer

Beat the summer heat and find more energy saving tips at alabamapower.com/lazysummer.

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