Hilary Swank gives birth to twins
Actress Hilary Swank has welcomed twins with her husband Philip Schneider."It wasn't easy. But boy (and girl!) was it worth it," she posted to Instagram Monday, alongside a picture of her standing in front of a sunset holding two small infants.The "Alaska Daily" actress also posted an Easter greeting and added she was "Posting from pure Heaven."The Oscar winner, 48, announced her pregnancy last year on "Good Morning America.""This is something that I've been wanting for a long time and my next thing is I'm gonna be a mom. And not just of one, but of two. I can't believe it," Swank, known for her roles in films including "Million Dollar Baby" and "P.S. I Love You," said.She also appeared on "Live with Kelly and Ryan," where she said, "I'm feeling great right now, even with the time, you know, I'm on Pacific time, so I'm a little cross-eyed with that. But I'm feeling good right now."Swank and Schneider began dating in 2016 and were married in August 2018.Following the announcement, she posted several pictures of her growing baby bump to Instagram, including over Halloween and Christmas, to keep fans updated on her progress.She also took to the social media platform ahead of her delivery, quipping with fans to ask if she should give birth with the song "Push It" by Salt-N-Pepa.
Actress Hilary Swank has welcomed twins with her husband Philip Schneider.
"It wasn't easy. But boy (and girl!) was it worth it," she posted to Instagram Monday, alongside a picture of her standing in front of a sunset holding two small infants.
The "Alaska Daily" actress also posted an Easter greeting and added she was "Posting from pure Heaven."
The Oscar winner, 48, announced her pregnancy last year on "Good Morning America."
"This is something that I've been wanting for a long time and my next thing is I'm gonna be a mom. And not just of one, but of two. I can't believe it," Swank, known for her roles in films including "Million Dollar Baby" and "P.S. I Love You," said.
She also appeared on "Live with Kelly and Ryan," where she said, "I'm feeling great right now, even with the time, you know, I'm on Pacific time, so I'm a little cross-eyed with that. But I'm feeling good right now."
Swank and Schneider began dating in 2016 and were married in August 2018.
Following the announcement, she posted several pictures of her growing baby bump to Instagram, including over Halloween and Christmas, to keep fans updated on her progress.
She also took to the social media platform ahead of her delivery, quipping with fans to ask if she should give birth with the song "Push It" by Salt-N-Pepa.