Birmingham driver paid for downtown parking. Then his car was towed due to error.

1 year ago 27

From The Lede

  • Published: Jun. 06, 2023, 4:31 p.m.

Birmingham towing signs

Signs warning against towing from the City of Birmingham

If you’ve been using the ParkMobile app for more than a few months, it’s likely that you have all of your information saved for easy payment when you park in a lot downtown.

But Birmingham driver Christopher Davis recently found out the dangers of assuming your car is safe just because you’ve paid for a spot after a renewed license plate error ended up costing him $160 to get his car back from local towing company Parking Enforcement Systems (PES).

“So, I parked my car in a paid lot on Morris Avenue,” Davis said. “And this lot is owned by Orchestra Partners.

“So, I used the ParkMobile app and I paid for the space that I was in, and I renewed it. I was there for a while, so I probably renewed it once or twice. And when I was done, I came out and my car was gone.

“I didn’t know what was going on. I didn’t think anybody stole it I just thought I must have gotten towed. But I paid and I don’t understand so I’m sure I can clear all this up.”

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